Saturday, March 19, 2011


Our mission is to provide opportunities and awareness of those in need around the world and in our home town. We work with our local mission house which provides help to those in need locally. We have worked with the Operation Christmas Child box ministry. We are currently striving to help those in Japan and children in Ethiopia. Check back weekly to find out ways to contribute to those in need. Don't be Greedy- Help the Needy!


  1. As someone who has visited an impoverished 3rd world country (Haiti),most of us, myself included, do not realize how fortunate we are to be Americans. Things we take for granted like a free public education would be luxuries to the majority of the world. This is a very worthy endeavor.

  2. I agree with Mrs. Cornette. Every single person young or old can make a difference worldwide. You are an inspiration and hopefully more people will get out in their communities and give back.
